Acro Yoga | Partner Acrobatics
Looking for a new, completely different way to experience yoga?
You want a sport that trains the body properly, but is also good for the soul?
You want to feel light and carefree during your workout and train your whole body at the same time?
You want to try something completely new?
Then give Acro Yoga a try!
Acro Yoga combines the wisdom of yoga, the loving benevolence of Thai massage and the dynamic energy of acrobatics. This form of yoga offers a protected space in which (self-) trust can grow playfully and mindfully at the same time. With the support of the others, everyone can give and receive the powerful energy of acrobatic flying and the grounding quality of Thai massage. Acro Yoga tests and trains body awareness, balance, body tension and coordination, confidence and responsibility, as well as the ability to let go and relax.
In the workshop we turn to the Solaren practice (sun-powerful). We will work on a new flow that is suitable for beginners and for beginners with previous knowledge. Basic movements and principles of acrobatics, as well as the “right” touch are trained so that we can easily connect with our partner. Fun is guaranteed here.
At the end we turn to the Lunar Practice, the flying Thai massage on the ground and in the air to get to know. This happens in the calm energy of Metta (love, healing and benevolence) ….. dive into the fascination of floating.
This workshop is open to all levels. Come and float with us!
What clothes do you wear when you train?
- Pole Training: Shorts, a sleeveless shirt and socks are required for our pole classes. For the time of the warm up it is worthwhile to pull over the short Hot Pants a long comfortable training trousers over it. Please do not put any cream on before the course units, as this makes some moves on the pole much more difficult or impossible. In addition, you should refrain from wearing jewellery (necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets) during the workout, otherwise the bar will be damaged and you could possibly injure yourself. If you have painted toenails, please be sure to wear socks! If you don’t feel comfortable in shorts, bring a pair of athletic shorts that can be pulled up over your thighs if needed.
- Workout | Flexibility: Regular sportswear, shorts and socks are required for our workout classes.
- High Heels, Twerk and Dance Classes: For these classes, we recommend comfortable clothing, knee pads, socks, and high heels or clean indoor sneakers if necessary.
- Aerial yoga: leggings and long sleeve shirt
- Aerial Hoop: Thick leggings or knee bandages to protect the back of the knees and long-sleeved shirt
What do I have to pay attention to before and during the training?
For a successful training, you should refrain from wearing jewelry (necklaces, rings) during the training in all courses, as you could possibly injure yourself. Please shower before class sessions, use deodorant, and do not put on lotion or too much makeup as this can make training difficult. If you have painted toenails, be sure to put on socks.
What is Acro Yoga?
Acro Yoga is derived from the English “acrobatic”, the whole term stands for acrobatic partner yoga. This style of yoga connects two people like no other, because: Unlike other types of yoga, in Acro Yoga you always meet at least two people on the mat. You always need a so-called “Base” and a “Flyer” for this. The base holds the flyer, whether with the legs or arms and thus provides the basis for fantastically beautiful yoga figures such as lotus seat, pigeon or shoulder stand. Only not on the floor, but virtually floating in the air, on a second yogi.
In addition to the base and the flyer, there should ideally always be a “spotter”: He stands next to the Acro Yoga couple and observes the process to quickly intervene if an exercise goes wrong. Courage is a great thing in Acro Yoga – but safety definitely comes first. That is why the basic equipment for home also includes a soft, non-slip mat.
What is Acro Yoga all about?
Acrobatic Yoga consists of three components: Yoga, partner acrobatics and the “therapeutic flying”, which is more for well-being. This makes it a workout that is not only great for the body, but also a real benefit for the soul. Acro Yoga focuses on letting go and trust. Acro Yoga is a creative full body workout. In no other workout can I give my creativity such free rein and still train the whole body. In addition, it trains extremely the concentration and of course it is also about the contact with other people.
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